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We provide healing for children born with cleft lip and cleft palate facial deformities

Mobile Surgery International (MSI) is a humanitarian organization in Mexico which offers free medical, surgical and social services to people suffering with cleft lip and cleft palate


High-specialty clinical consultations


Reconstructive surgeries


Surgical procedures


Families benefited

We collaborate with national and international foundations



Transforming lives with our Comprehensive Cleft Care model

Mobile Surgery International established its first specialized center for the clinical and surgical treatment of patients with cleft lip and cleft palate in Oaxaca, Mexico in 2019

We offer safe, timely and free surgical care to prevent and treat the unnecessary disabilities suffered by both children and adults due to untreated cleft lip and cleft palate conditions


With your help we can:

  • Provide timely comprehensive care to newborns, so that they may live a life free from social rejection
  • Deliver a model of care that continues to avoid permanent consequences due to past suboptimal outcomes (sequelae), as is the case for 67% of our patients
  • Continue to be one of the only organizations in Mexico which treats patients with suboptimal or incomplete surgical outcomes from previous surgeries
  • Train local doctors and nurses so that they can continue to collaborate in this work

Services we provide with our Comprehensive Care Model


Facial Reconstructive Surgery


Nutrition & Lactation Counseling


Speech Therapy


Dentistry, Orthopedics & Orthodontics


Social Work & Psychological Care


Parental Education




Early Stimulation


Transportation, Food and Shelter


General Medicine


Surgical & Clinical Nursing


Pediatric Anesthesia

Lupita’s and Gaby's lives have been transformed thanks to MSI’s Comprehensive Cleft Care Model


"MSI has helped me and my family a lot in Lupita's treatment"

Alejandra, Lupita's mom

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Donate from $100 MXN


"It wasn't until we arrived at MSI that we received the support and that's why I'm very happy”

Gaby, MSI patient

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Donate from $100 MXN

Companies which have supported MSI's work


Together, we will change the lives of more people who suffer needlessly with cleft lip and cleft palate

Members who provide monthly contributions are committed to ensuring the full development of more people with cleft lip and cleft palate


Each patient requires a treatment with an average annual cost of $4,000 USD* that includes consultation, surgeries and pre and postoperative care to guarantee the optimal development of their quality of life

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*A single patient can be treated for up to 10 years
